Notecard Sets

Haven't got the time to spend going through every image, picking out your favorites, and ordering individual cards? Not a problem. I've gone through my galleries and chosen series of five that go together perfectly. You'll get the same flat shipping rate within the US and Canada, and all your cards will arrive printed on archival matte card stock with matching white envelopes.

To purchase card sets, simply click on the picture of the one you wish to buy. Each set costs $25 and shipping is always a flat rate of $8. Please note that since the images in these stationery sets are preselected, substitutions are not possible, but you can easily design your own collection! Just go to the galleries and choose the images you like best.

Backyard Classics (downy woodpecker, black-capped chickadee, white-crowned sparrow, tufted titmouse, and song sparrow)
Eastern Beaches (Atlantic puffin, royal tern, greater yellowlegs, reddish egret, and semipalmated plover)
West Coast Wonders (red-breasted sapsucker, white-crowned sparrow, Wilson's warbler, Pacific wren, and Oregon junco)
Desert Southwest (pyrrhuloxia, greater roadrunner, Northern crested caracara, green jay, and Gambel's quail)
Northern Forest (great grey owl, Canada jay, snowy owl, song sparrow, and common loon)
Colors of Costa Rica (crimson-collared tanager, Tennessee warbler, volcano hummingbird, keel-billed toucan, and yellow-thighed finch)